Will Su
Treasurer; Finance Committee Chair
Will Su currently works at FibroGen, a research and development company based in San Francisco, managing the global commercial supply chain. He is responsible for ensuring the supply of Roxadustat for FibroGen’s partners Astrazeneca and Astellas as well as global manufacturing and logistics planning for Pamrevlumab.
Prior to his role in global supply chain, Will was a member of the China management team where he helped oversee the operations of FibroGen China, a subsidiary that consisted of two manufacturing sites, a Beijing and Shanghai office, and over 400 staff. As a part of the China team, he prepared the New Drug Application for Roxadustat, a first-in-class drug for anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), which was approved by the Chinese FDA in 2018 and entered into the National Drug Reimbursement Listing in 2019. Roxadustat’s China approval marked the first time a first-in-class drug was approved first in China. In addition, he helped found and train the China commercial operations team that has generated $96.3m in net sales in the first half of 2021. Will was also responsible for managing the development of a biosynthetic cornea medical device project to clinical-stage readiness that led to a deal with Eluminex Biosciences to exclusively license and develop and commercialize the product worldwide.
Will has always had a strong interest in Asia growing up in an immigrant family originally from Taiwan. Now he spends his time focusing on bringing novel therapies to alleviate unmet medical needs.
Will brings nonprofit and governance experience to VIA having previously served on and been the Chair of a 501(c)3 corporation. He is excited to advance the mission of VIA. Will holds a Bachelor of Arts in Science and Management from Claremont McKenna College where he was an Interdisciplinary Science Scholar. He is also currently a Kravis Fellow at the Kravis Leadership Institute and an Advisor on the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council.