Freeman Foundation

Friends Foundation International

Kyushu Sangyo University

Suwandi Foundation

VIA first partnered with the Suwandi Foundation in 2025 to support their mission of using the power of…

Education for Friendship Foundation

The Education for Friendship Foundation (EFF) was registered with the Thai government in 2013 to provide legal and…

Musashisakai Driving School

VIA facilitates an online social impact project accelerator for Musashisakai Driving School staff.

US-Japan Foundation

VIA receives grant funding from the US-Japan Foundation to support the Nichibei Girls Collaborative (NGC) program, launched in…

Rancho San Juan High School

VIA has collaborated with Rancho San Juan High School faculty to recruit students to join the Nichibei Girls…

North Salinas High School

VIA has collaborated with North Salinas High School faculty to recruit students to join the Nichibei Girls Collaborative…

California Association for Nonprofits

VIA is a member of the California Association for Nonprofits