Kicking Off the Start of MED Program

By Christina Ren, Global Health Fellow 2015

The first few days of MED program have been a whirlwind of memories, events, and thoughts. It’s been packed and at times exhausting, but so eye-opening, fun, and rewarding. The program kicked off Sunday afternoon when we met the participants at SFO airport. After landing, the students were greeted by our excited cheers and welcome VIA MED sign. Leading icebreakers for the participants was such a memorable experience. Greeted by questioning looks from onlookers in the middle of the airport, we unabashedly unknotted Human Knots and chanted each other’s names in an epic spin off of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The energy created by playing these icebreakers rushed through the travel-weary students like a palpable wave.

Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.56.53 PMStudents in a “Human Knot”. Their challenge: unravel themselves

On Monday, the students hit the ground off running with welcoming remarks from Ellison, their first Clinical English session with Doctor Oshimi, and conversations with chaplains with Stanford Spiritual Care. Us fellows led the students on a walking campus tour during which they made human pyramids, took “professional” group photos with our favorite equipment of choice (selfie sticks, of course), and chatted amongst each other. During the evening, we held a life map activity for our group to know each other better. I was so impressed by the lives these students have lived and how events in their lives have shaped their personality, interests, and future aspirations. In our group of thirteen people, we have a talented violin player who found the power in communicating through music at an early age, dedicated table tennis player who spends fifteen hours a week practicing, art and museum connoisseur, TEDx conference host, and astronomy lover.

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Our fellow group in front of Hoover Tower.

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Group selfie during campus tour!

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Life Map Reflection Session

It’s hard not to love my job as a Global Health Fellow and the participants of the program. From acting as a chatty patient during the Culturally competent medicine workshop, bonding with the staff in the hallways, to learning from students about medicine and culture in their country, these past few days have been a blast.  I can’t wait for what’s to come in the next few weeks!

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