
Accelerator Cost & Funding Opportunities

The team participation fee is $5,000 USD (regardless of the number of team members)

The program fee covers the cost of:

  • 40+ hours of training and support from VIA staff and team fellows over the course of 4 months
  • Coaching in team-building and professional development
  • Individualized feedback and coaching sessions for project elements
  • Access to an online platform and training resources
  • Post-accelerator project support and community networking opportunities

Financial Need-based Discount

VIA is committed to supporting aspiring social impact leaders regardless of their financial circumstances. We are offering financial need-based discounts and ask that you self-identify your current financial capacity. Assuming your team members and/or organization will share the cost of the program fee, in the application you can indicate the amount that would be feasible given your personal and team / organizational financial situation.

  • $0 (program fee waived) – Financially struggling. Your team has little savings, and spending some of your income on this program fee would significantly impact your personal budgets.
  • $1000 ($4000 discount) – Financially stretched. Your team could spend some of your income or savings, but it would mean giving up other things for a limited time.
  • $3000 ($2000 discount) – Financially comfortable. Your organization can partially fund your participation fee and/or your team members have some additional income or savings to spend for a limited time.
  • $5000 (full program fee) – Financially thriving. Your organization can fund your participation fee and/or your team members have enough additional income or savings to spend without impacting your daily lives.

Please know that we will not require any financial disclosure statements. We trust that you are reporting your financial circumstances honestly.

Accelerator Project Grant

Successfully accepted accelerator teams will have the opportunity to apply for a competitive grant, up to $3,000 USD as seed-funding for their project. The grant application cycle is held in the spring (March – May) and successful teams will present their projects at the VIA Social Impact Leadership Conference in June.